Sunday, March 27, 2005

New Program In A Transparent YACA.

Consistent with the Youth & Adult Corrections Agency's policy of becoming more transparent, the privileges of the bureaucratic bourgeoisie are now being extended to the rank-and-file proletariat and requests to back-date appointments, for the purpose of avoiding those unnecessary probationary periods, are now being accepted.

Lorraine Bradley, Author
State Secrets, The Website.
State Secrets, The Book.

Saturday, March 19, 2005

Another Officer's Death Waiting In The Wings!

In the perusal of the Inspector General’s report into the murder of Correctional Officer Manual Gonzales, the most important finding is the first. It is pivotal because it addresses the seminal event without which the murder would not have occurred.

The Office of the Inspector General found that the California Institution for Men inappropriately housed Blaylock in a general population unit despite his recent parole from a security housing unit and his demonstrated violence toward other inmates.”

Indeed, it was the failure to appropriately house inmate Blaylock that commenced the sequence of events that led to that fatal day of January 10, 2005 and a fatality that occasioned the necessity for the Inspector General’s report. Unfortunately, the California Institution For Men seems to have learned nothing regarding the correlation between proper classification/appropriate housing and employee safety.

Information that has, anonymously, arrived on my fax machine tells me that, on December 19th, 2004, an East Coast Crip, who was sentenced to life imprisonment, arrived at CIM's Reception Center. He is an associate of Inmate Blaylock, and one who attempted to cause a riot in CIM’s Reception Center where he was housed. This action earned him an immediate transfer to Palm Hall.

However, pursuant to an Inmate Classification Committee action, this inmate, inmate Wilson, Fred V-48078, was confirmed for CIM’s East Facility, level three and, even with the windows falling out, was transferred there on March 9th, 2005.

Apparently, the very next day, a loud OOPS was heard, presumably from the Associate Warden who headed the Classification Committee on the day Wilson was classified for CIM’s East Facility, as he realized he had placed inmate Wilson in a facility that was, unquestionably, insufficient for Inmate Wilson’s custody needs. A transportation team was quickly dispatched on March 10, 2005 and brought Wilson back to Palm Hall from bed 211U.

Another Officer’s death waiting in the wings? Perhaps.

Another failure of classification? ABSOLUTELY!