Wednesday, November 22, 2006

Leave The Investigations To The Psychics - Part 2.

On November 21, 2006, an article was published in the Daily Bulletin, written by the venerated Mason Stockstill, which exemplifies more problems with the California Department of Rehabilitation and Corrections (CalDORC) investigators.

Once again they are struggling with, yet, another paper bag out of which they must investigate their way. Doubtlessly, these local CIM investigators will fail in their task, forever sharing another bologna sandwich and banana found languishing at the bottom of their cellulose receptacle.

For these stumped super-sleuths, the solution is simple. They need only to refer this investigation to the fabled Psychic Investigation Division of the Office of Infernal Affairs (OIA) for an expeditious resolution to the insurmountable obstacles which confront them. Once at the office, they will find an array of various tools-of-the-trade, including a variety of Ouija boards and crystal balls. If they are lucky enough to arrive at just the right time, they may see a Special Agent, in a seance, channeling the spirit of Sherlock Holmes. With all of this technology working for them, their unsolved investigations can be dispatched within mere minutes instead of months.

My message to the institutional investigators at the California Institution for Men is this, ,”Use the prodigious psychic talents of OIA to assist you.” Who knows, they may get it right this time.

Good luck and good night.

Lorraine Bradley

Sunday, November 19, 2006

An Explanation of Classification Failures - A Reader's Comment.

This comment was left in a previous post and it was just too good not to post as a blog article.

Thank you Anonymous (CCI?).


"Anonymous said...

When you keep hammering away on Classification’s failure to properly house inmates at CIM, I hope you’re not referring to Correctional Counselor 1s in your assessment. We do our job and most of us were Correctional Officers prior to becoming CCIs. Like Correctional Officers, we fall into Bargaining Unit 6 and are members of, and represented by, CCPOA. We act in the best interest of security of both the prison and the community.

With regard to the classification process, CCIs assemble the relevant information for consideration in the placement and housing of inmates, however, this information may be ignored by the ultimate decision makers which are managerial level staff, often times, our supervisors.

I can only speculate as to the motivation for this irrational behavior of the CCIIs and CCIIIs when I express my opinion that the placement of square pegs into round holes may be motivated by available bed space. Shaving high classification scores down to make the pegs fit into the holes may be the ultimate goal of the classification Committee as CDCR struggles for bed space.

Just my opinion for what its worth."

Friday, November 10, 2006

Millions for Public Relations but not one cent for security!

Click The Pic & Turn Up The Speakers!
Choppers at work
Warden Poulos Goin' To Work or
"I love the smell of napalm in the morning!"

In a variation of the quotation, “Millions for defense but not one cent for tribute.”, which is alternately attributed to both President Thomas Jefferson and/or Robert Goodloe Harper*, Warden Poulos of the California Institution for Men in Chino seems to have embraced public relations as the solution to CIM’s security problems.

Recently the public relations efforts have included a helicopter ride and grand, dusty landing for the Warden and, reportedly, the Secretary of CalDORC, Mr. James Tilton. Additionally, there was recently held the first annual “Staff Appreciation Day” in which a cookout was held on the CIM grounds. All of this occurring on the heels of two major staff assaults which were attributable to the improper housing of inmates and deficiencies in the physical plant of the housing units at the “minimum” yard. Deficiencies which are still pending resolution

In another, unresolved security problem, the individual housing units at the Reception Center West have been fenced off, with no escape route for the Correctional Officers working within them. The danger of this security breach is not hypothetical and, as you read the linked article, you should be asking yourself the question, “What would the outcome of the linked incident have been if it occurred today, now that the fence project is complete?”

Between the siren, the helicopter rides and CIM’s “Staff Appreciation Day” cookout, CIM has become all form and no substance as money is poured into public relations efforts at the expense of staff and community security and protection.

The City of Chino is properly alarmed as they have made known their intent to file a lawsuit against CIM.

*The Home Book of Quotations, ed. Burton Stevenson, 10th ed., p. 63 (1967) and “Notes and Queries,” South Carolina Historical and Genealogical Magazine, vol. 1, pp. 100–103, 178–79

Lorraine Bradley