Thursday, September 18, 2008

A Blogmaster's Swan Song.

As of the close of business on October 3, 2008, I, the Blogmaster, for, will no longer be maintaining this Blog.

I would urge someone to step up to the plate and offer to volunteer to take the reigns of this blog. If you are interested, please contact Dean Drake the Chapter Secretary.

My decision does not come lightly and, after having been of service to CCPOA since 1972, it is now time to call it quits.

I have awaited the announcement of this decision until after the election of the State President so it would not appear to be politically motivated, however, with the events that have unfolded over the past few years, as a volunteer for this organization I feel the knife in my back as it is, slowly, being turned.

While some in Sacramento are living large on the duespayer's dime, the volunteers are hunkered down in the trenches with no compensation, no Christmas bonuses, no discounted houses and no union credit cards. It is the CCPOA volunteers that are, in part, freeing up the money for the Sacramento bunch to live "La Vida Loca" on the union dime.

Perhaps CCPOA could start a union for the CCPOA volunteers. They seem to have had no problem with the Minorities In Law Enforcement (MILE) and their interns.

For those of you that see this as a self-serving screed, you are right! The belief that CCPOA volunteers should be compensated arises out of the changing union landscape in which the West Sacramento bunch has recently transitioned from a philosophy of service to one's membership to a doctrine of smash-and-grab self-service. I am merely one volunteer who is attempting to keep up with the changes in philosophy.

Wishing to be a sucker no longer, supporting the opulent lifestyles of our union leaders through the self-sacrifice of non-payment for my services, I submit my resignation effective at the close of business on October 3, 2008.

Pending the appointment of a new Blogmaster, this blog will no longer be updated beyond that date.

These views are mine alone and are not representative of the CIM Chapter.

Joe Bradley