Tuesday, January 11, 2005

Tribute To A Fallen Officer.

Monday, January 10, 2005 a tragedy occurred.

A fine Correctional Officer's life came to a violent end at the hands of three East Coast Crips, an end which was avoidable.

He was a Correctional Officer, a father of five and a friend to all who knew him. He was Manuel A. Gonzalez Jr., a 16 year veteran of the California Department Of Corrections.

Officer Gonzales was stabbed to death while handing out sack lunches to the inmate population within the maximum security facility at the California Institution For Men known as the Reception Center Central. According to news reports, Officer Gonzales was not wearing one of the approximately 600 stab-proof vests that were languishing within the prison armory awaiting a delayed distribution to the Officers. A delay that violated CCPOA's labor contract with the State. A delay occasioned by Institutional officials who, according to CCPOA Chino Chapter insiders, inexplicably cut the 1200 vest order in half of the number required to outfit the total number of Officers at the California Institution For Men.

According to union insiders, the Administration at the California Institution For Men is holding up distribution of the vests to Officers working General Population until after the "Post and Bid" reconciliation procedure has been accomplished sometime this year - little comfort to the family of Officer Gonzales. However, there is a question among many Correctional Officers I spoke with as to whether or not the reduction of the 2004 order was merely a ploy to extend the expenditure over two budgetary years, with the remaining half ordered and paid for in 2005.

This, then, raises another question: "Where did the money for the additional vests go in 2004?"

It certainly was not utilized to fix the outside cell windows which are falling out of the walls at the Reception Center East Facility of CIM. Windows that one inmate exited through last week on his way to freedom!

A grievance is reportedly on file which seeks to establish policy and procedure enabling the release of available vests held hostage by the California Institution For Men. Vests which could have prevented or minimized the fatal wounds incurred by Officer Gonzales.

For all of those in Sacramento and the press who fantasize about inmates being "clients", "stakeholders" and "kids", let this be your reality check as to the true nature of the populations that Bargaining Unit 6 members serve.

For all of those in Sacramento and the press who fantasize about agency and institutional managers and administrators being competent and capable, think again!

Lorraine Bradley, Author
State Secrets, The Website.
State Secrets, The Book.

1 comment:

OP said...

Outstanding work. I posted a link to it on my blog.