Sunday, April 10, 2005

Open Letter To The San Bernardino County District Attorney.

Dear Mr. Ramos,

As you prepare for the prosecution of Jon Blaylock, the inmate accused of murdering Correctional Officer Manuel Gonzalez, please be mindful that you were elected to your office amidst the corruption scandal of your predecessor Dennis Stout. Your daunting mandate was to clean out the office of the San Bernardino District Attorney.

Unfortunately, the resource you received to accomplish this task was the inherited baggage that Mr. Stout allowed to accumulate under his nose. Baggage that thrust his office into the controversy that finally ended his career. Baggage that, unfortunately, now belongs to you.

Although, in the main, the Deputy District Attorneys that are employed by your office are probably very adroit at their trade, there are some names that surface frequently enough that they have become synonymous with scandal and gullibility1. These are hardly attributes that should be considered in the selection of an effective prosecutor.

Clearly, the family of Manuel Gonzales and the citizens of the State of California deserve the "A" Team in Jon Blaylock's prosecution. Please avoid utilizing the "F" Troop that bides their time in your office awaiting retirement.


Lorraine Bradley

Delivered via FAX


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