Sunday, January 15, 2006

Please Wake Up!

A Letter To Inspector General Matthew Cate

Dear Mr. Cate,

I found the following mission statement on your web site at I'm sure that the staff appreciates your efforts in 2005, however, the corruption never sleeps at the California Institution for Men.


Lorraine Bradley

"A message from Inspector General Matthew Cate

Welcome to the home page of the Office of the Inspector General. My mission as Inspector General is to safeguard the integrity of the state's correctional system — in effect, to act as the eyes and ears of the public in overseeing the state's prisons. The Office of the Inspector General carries out that mission by rigorously investigating and auditing the California Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation to uncover criminal conduct, administrative wrongdoing, poor management practices, waste, fraud, and other abuses by staff, supervisors, and management.

To bring public transparency into the operation of the state's correctional system, we post the findings of every audit and large-scale investigation on this website, along with quarterly summary reports describing the number of audits, special reviews and special reviews completed, the types of misconduct uncovered, and the discipline meted out. This public posting is critical because prisons are, by their very nature, places where most events occur outside the public view. The public airing of the reports provides a powerful incentive to organizational remedy of the problems afflicting the state's correctional departments and institutions.

The public is a vital partner in ensuring that California's correctional system operates in a sound and effective manner and that correctional administrators are held accountable for implementing necessary reforms. I hope you will find this website useful in the furtherance of those goals.

Matthew Cate
Inspector General"

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