Sunday, March 26, 2006

The Fifth Danger

On March 14, 2006, The California Office of the Inspector General released a report to Acting Secretary Jeanne Woodford of the California Department of Rehabilitation and Corrections (CalDORC), entitled "SPECIAL REVIEW: IMPROPER HOUSING OF MAXIMUM CUSTODY INMATES AT CALIFORNIA STATE PRISON RECEPTION CENTERS."

CLICK HERE for the complete report in Adobe Acrobat.

This report was prompted by the stabbing death of Correctional Officer Manuel A. Gonzalez, Jr., by an inmate who had been improperly housed in the General Population of the Reception Center Central of the California Institution for Men in Chino, and constituted a review of procedural changes in the State's Reception Centers that were designed to prevent inmate mis/mal-placement.

Regarding the failure to correct these deficiencies at the California Institution for Men, the Inspector General had this to say:

Assessment of corrective action at the California Institution for Men.

"On August 30 and 31, 2005, the Office of the Inspector General visited the California Institution for Men to assess the institution’s progress in correcting the deficiencies identified in the March 2005 special review into the death of Correctional Officer Manuel A. Gonzalez, Jr., including the improper placement of maximum custody inmates in the general population. During that assessment, the Office of the Inspector General determined that 30 inmates who were designated maximum custody in the Distributed Data Processing System were housed in the institution’s general population. Further review determined that the institution had re-evaluated some of the 30 inmates and found them to be appropriate for the general population and simply had not changed the maximum custody designation in the computer system. Others, however, were maximum custody inmates who had slipped through the initial screening process and should not have been placed in the general population. One of those was a maximum custody inmate with a history of violent behavior similar to that of the inmate accused in the fatal attack on Officer Gonzalez. The errors occurred despite the August 1, 2005 directive from department management mandating that inmates who paroled from segregated housing immediately be placed in administrative segregation when they arrive at the reception center pending review by an institutional classification committee. The presence of the maximum custody inmates in the general population at the reception center appeared to be attributable both to errors by the reception center staff and to problems in using the Offender Based Information System as the sole means by which to identify inmates who paroled from segregated housing."

The Fifth Danger

On pages 14 and 15 of this report, the Inspector General identifies four areas of "The dangers of placing maximum custody inmates in the general population." They are:

1. Attack on correctional officers.
2. Attempted murder of another inmate.
3. Violent attack on other inmates.
4. Fighting with officers.

However, there is one critical danger which, through it's absence of mention, attains prominence. An unspoken menace that threatens to insert itself in the political drama that stages itself somewhere between the California Institution for Men and Chino City Hall. A drama that involves another improperly housed inmate and the impact that this housing had on the community of Chino.

On February 19, 1985, Kevin Cooper was convicted of murdering Douglas and Peggy Ryen, their 10-year-old daughter, Jessica, and 11-year-old house guest Christopher Hughes inside the Ryens' Chino Hills home on June 4-5, 1983.

On May 15, 1985, Cooper was sentenced to Death, a sentence which was upheld in Federal Court on April 22, 2005. All of this occurring AFTER Cooper's June 2, 1983 escape from the California Institution for Men, an escape which was facilitated by Cooper's improper housing.

During the trial, the press would report that Cooper's complete criminal history would not catch up to classification officials at the California Institution for Men until AFTER his escape. Decidedly, Kevin Cooper was another, in a long list of, improperly housed inmates. An improperly housed inmate who's escape impacted the community surrounding the California Institution for Men.

While the mutual-admiration society that exists between government entities is to be expected, the Chino Mayor and City Council should not forget who elected them to their offices. It was the Citizens of Chino; their expectation being that the Chino City Council will act in their best interests.

The historic problem of the improper housing of inmates at the California Institution for Men is as much a reality today as it was in 1983 and, as the Inspector General's report indicates, there appears to be no relief in sight.

Perhaps the wail of "The Siren" will drown out future discussion on this matter in the Chamber of the Chino City Council and the service club luncheons at which Mr. Poulos, CIM's Warden, will speak.

Lorraine Bradley

"Those that do not learn from history are doomed to repeat it" - popular
"Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it." - historical
-- George Santanyana

For an excellent, in-depth article, CLICK HERE!

Thursday, March 16, 2006

The Siren

On February 7, 2006, in a Chino City Council meeting, Warden Poulos and Company, from the California Institution For Men, graced the hallowed halls of the Council chambers of the City of Chino and proceeded to give the City of Chino an award, in the form of a plaque, for their support of the "First Annual Manuel Gonzalez Walk & Run" together with the renaming of a section of the former "Chino Hills Parkway" to "Manuel Gonzalez Drive".

CLICK HERE to see the ceremony.

The next point of order was "The Siren" which had been installed at CIM, for the purpose of announcing escapes to the good people of Chino.

First I would like to make this public service announcement:

"The Siren" will be tested on the "first Friday of every month, about noon." During this time the alarm will be cycled on for eight (8) seconds and then cycled off for eight (8) seconds. If there is any activation of "The Siren" outside of these times and dates, there is an escape hot line to call for information, it is (909) 606-7272.

Now back to the show.

"The Siren" is not the first escape announcing device that has been erected by CIM, however it may prove to be the most contentious.

Years ago there was a flashing blue light, placed on CIM's water tower, that was to warn the good citizens of Chino of escapes. History will show that, if this light were activated at all during an escape, it was activated many hours AFTER the escape had occurred, only after there were meetings with the Warden who, begrudgingly, authorized its activation.

"Why the delay" you may ask? Probably because of the immense political fallout of announcing to the taxpayers of Chino that systems within the prison had failed and a felon just taken an unauthorized release into the community. Not a good position for a Warden to be in, even for a by-the-book Warden who followed policy to the letter. However, Warden Poulos does not appear to be this kind of Warden.

When I think of the Poulos Administration, I am reminded of the commercial on television in which a gentleman is talking to a young lady at a party and, as he leans against a beautiful section of dark oak wall paneling, he falls through and the announcer states, "It's termite season again." While all appears to be in order on the outside, Warden Poulos' apparent failure to follow policy regarding Personnel Investigations, choosing instead to reward, allegedly, malfeasant employees through promotions, is eating away at the very core of his tenure, leaving only thin veneer in its place. These failures have been well documented within this blog.

If Warden Poulos is not compliant with the internal Personnel Investigation policies of the Department of Corrections, the face that the public does not see, why would one believe that he or his staff would throw the switch, when the time came to do so, thereby announcing his failure to contain the prisoners entrusted to him for confinement? After all, isn't ethics merely doing the right thing when no one is looking?

The true purpose of "The Siren" lies in the pageant of "The Test", as proof to the good people of Chino that the prison is ready. Just another coat of varnish on the termite infested paneling.

While the pomp and circumstance of the Chino Council award ceremony, which honored those who honored the memory of Manuel Gonzalez, was well placed, we must never lose sight that it was administrative non-compliance with the established contractual policy of issuing the stab-proof vests "as they become available" which, together with the improper housing of inmate Blaylock (Manuel Gonzalez' alleged assailant), reportedly led to the demise of Manuel Gonzalez.

I believe that administrative compliance with Departmental Policies would be a more fitting memorial.

Lorraine Bradley

Sunday, March 12, 2006

Beating A Dead Horse!

Periodically, I receive editorials, in my e-mail, that have appeared in the Main Stream Media from such outlets as the Sacramento and Fresno Bee.

On March 8, 2006, in, what has become a typical bias in the media, an article entitled "Prison reform fades", once again, attempts to lay the failure of prison reform at the feet of the California Correctional Peace Officers Association.

I am not necessarily a great lover of CCPOA, I was once a member and, periodically, disagreed with their actions. However, I do believe that they are being scapegoated unjustly, an action which denies The California Department Of Rehabilitation And Corrections (CalDORC) the ability to improve its operation. CalDORC must accept responsibility for their failings before they admit having the power to change. If they genuinely believe that their failings are being brought about by CCPOA, they remain powerless to change. I do, however, suspect that their stated beliefs are a disingenuous, blame-displacing smoke-screen.

Predictably, the unnamed editorializer quotes individuals on Schwarzenegger's prison task force who state that Management does not control the prisons, the union controls the prisons. He/she then goes on to state that Arnold Schwarzenegger did not accept campaign contributions from the prison guards' union.

Through implication and the omission of relevant facts, the unnamed editorializer wishes to steer the reader into believing that Arnie is clean, pure and free of those nasty campaign donations that have plagued all other politicians. However, such is certainly not the case - let's review (The following is an excerpt, click on the text for the full story):

Giving Millions To Back a Winner

Candidate who denied needing money got lots.

By Alexa H. Bluth, Bee Capitol Bureau
Sacramento Bee, October 12th, 2003

After himself, Schwarzenegger's top donors included Alex Spanos, a Stockton developer and prolific campaign contributor in California who hosted a fund-raiser for Schwarzenegger and donated $200,000 to his bid. Spanos also chipped in $100,000 to the main committee behind the recall effort, according to finance records.

Schwarzenegger also received more than $100,000 each from: William Lyons Homes, a Newport Beach-based real estate developer; the American Sterling Corp., an Irvine-based financial firm; William Robinson, an Idaho-based rancher and investor; the New Majority PAC, moderate Republican business owners; Tim Blixseth, who runs Yellowstone Development LLC; and Paul Folino, chairman of the Costa Mesa-based technology company Emulex Corp.

Clearly this unnamed editorializer is living in a pre-Schwarzenegger/Hickman world. If he/she were living in the present, he/she would have known that Rod Hickman SHUT the California Correctional Peace Officers Association OUT of anything having to do with prison management. This was Mr. Hickman's proudest moment and he made no bones about it!

HOWEVER, you must be careful of that for which you wish. After CCPOA was shut out, CalDORC's demise was, exponentially, accelerated. Dead Correctional Officers, more YA violence, Sex Offenders being shuttled from motel to motel, CalDORC refusing to cooperate with Legislative inquiries! What was CCPOA's role in all of this? What could it have been since they had been locked out immediately after Hickman stepped in???

No Mr. Hickman, you bought CalDORC and refused to share it with anyone and YOU are solely responsible for its failings. It is time for you to stop blaming others.

This was to be a bold experiment, to shut CCPOA out of ALL managerial functions, even Contractually required negotiations for traditional union functions such as wages, hours and other terms and conditions of employment, however, it failed.

Rod Hickman's midstream resignation left many with egg on their collective faces as the experiment, obviously, failed. Many of Mr. Hickman's pundits are having to take whip in hand, step down from their cart and beat the dead horse, only to find that they are only getting wet feet and not making any forward progress.

The total shock and embarrassment for hitching their cart to the Hickman horse is not lost on the Main Stream Media. They have a large reputational investment in Mr. Hickman and, even though it makes no sense, they continue to pick up the sword of a crusader and, then, go tilting at windmills. Clearly they are grasping at that which has served them so well in the past, however, the Hickman resignation speaks for itself.

It is time to unhitch the wagon and find another horse.

Lorraine Bradley

Monday, March 06, 2006

The Attack Of The Clones

The recent troubles of CalDORC are many and deep. It is unfortunate that the same cannot be said for the ideological and philosophical gene pool created by CalDORC’s version of the genome project.

On February 23, 2006, CalDORC’s four top clones refused to cooperate with the State Assembly’s fact finding efforts into the “Sex Offender Shuffle” debacle, as they boycotted the hearings, forcing the assembly to issue subpoenas which require the “Gang Of Four” to testify under oath. Almost immediately, Roderick Hickman, Secretary for the California Department of Rehabilitations and Corrections (CalDORC) resigned from his post.

CalDORC immediately announced that Clone #2, in the persona of Jeanne S. Woodford (a member of the Gang Of Four), has replaced Clone #1, Rod Hickman as Acting Secretary. All clones will, now, move up a notch as the deck chairs on the Titanic are re-shuffled.

At this juncture, I would like to place a proposition on the table for the reader’s consideration. For some it will be controversial, however, for others who do not exist in an ideological straight jacket, it may make some sense.

The proposition is this, that Rod Hickman may be more a symptom and symbolic of CalDORC’s problems than the problem himself. After all, any penthouse that is built on a rotten and crumbling foundation will come tumbling down when the foundation fails.

The tilting of "CalDORC Towers" is predictable as the foundation is continually being jacked up and repaired with twigs, chewing gum and bailing wire. This time, however, the leeward listing caused Rod Hickman to tumble out of the window. Clearly the political winds, which pushed the Tower around, did not help.

Unfortunately, the Pinstripe Wall’s Clone Army has come of age and now occupies every pocket of power throughout the length and breadth of California, spewing their vitriol and contempt for the People of the State Of California through their refusal to abide by the laws and rules which have been enacted by the elected legislative representatives, further rotting the foundation.

You know when the Pinstripe Wall’s Clone Army has arrived when employees, facing reports of employee misconduct, are openly and notoriously promoted to their next higher rank rather than being investigated and, if found necessary, disciplined in conformance with departmental policy.

As regular readers of this blog know, in a clear implementation of the “Witness Obstruction Program” (CalDORC’s variant of the Witness Protection Program), some of these employees who have, allegedly, committed crimes in office, have been ushered to other State departments, especially when a prominent member of the Pinstripe Wall is implicated in issuing the illegal order. The next earthquake you experience will be caused by the Clone Army shrugging in unison as the “Do Nothing” gene kicks in.

Dr. Frankenstein, you have been trumped!

Lorraine Bradley

Wednesday, March 01, 2006

The House That Neglect Built

The, now past, master "Spin Doctor" for the California Department of Rehabilitation and Corrections (CalDORC) is working overtime as he explains away his failures through the scapegoating of those who had no responsibility for his collapse and resignation.

Rod Hickman's mantra continues to drone on about the meanies who have derailed his train. Meanies such as the elected representatives of the people of the State of California and a "Powerful Prison Guard's Union" who has been locked out of power in Sacramento ever since Mr. Hickman gave them the boot when his train first pulled into the station.


I am informed, by current and past CCPOA sources, that, prior to his quantum leap into the Secretary's chair, Mr. Hickman worked quite well with CCPOA, having, himself, chaired management committees within CalDORC which directly negotiated with CCPOA. What happened to him? A new reformer boss with new marching orders perhaps?

Arnold Schwarznegger arrived on the Sacramento scene in a total vacuum of political experience, so he garnered a cadre of political advisors, all of which were powerful names in Sacramento. Names such as Pete Wilson, former Governor, and, while these advisors brought with them a wealth of information and advice, they also arrived with their own political baggage, much of which was acrimonious of CCPOA and their organized labor brethren. The "reform" agenda had more to do with payback for the failed Pete Wilson coup, to raid the Public Employee's Retirement System (a coup which was resisted by California's organized labor), than it did with true reform. It is, then, no wonder that Arnie got caught up in his own attempt to shore up sagging state coffers through his own failed raid on California's cash-flush Public Employees Retirement System, a system made flush, in part, by employee contributions.

Even prior to Schwarznegger's election, his anti-union platform was written in the stars as he assembled his campaign advisors.

As Mr. Hickman has done in the above linked article, so Schwarznegger did when he first took office, as they have adopted the common philosophy of the Schwarznegger administration, "If we succeed we will take all of the credit, if we fail, blame the union."

It is rather disingenuous for Mr. Hickman to fix culpability for his failures on CCPOA however, since CCPOA had been shut out of the decision making processes of the Schwarznegger administration since the very beginning. I would even go so far to say that it is a direct result of slamming the door on CCPOA that Arnold Schwarznegger's/Rod Hickman's CalDORC has failed miserably enough to prompt Mr. Hickmans resignation based on his failure.

As I have made clear in earlier posts, The pre-Schwarznegger, pre-CalDORC Department of Corrections relied heavily on the management skills found within CCPOA because of the few management/organizational assets found within its own ranks. This predicament is due to promotions within CalDORC's "Pinstripe Wall" that are based on politics rather than an ability to do the job. When Mr. Hickman shut the door on CCPOA, he shut out the majority of managerial/organizational talent that was keeping CalDORC afloat. After that single act, CalDORC began taking on water and now Mr. Hickman finds himself searching for a life raft in the icy waters of public opinion. The same public opinion that once touted him as the departmental savior now sees him as the failure he is, and for this he blames the Legislature.

Even though Mr. Hickman preaches the message of accountability for others, he clearly refuses to accept it for himself, and he has a scapegoat, for every occasion, to prove it.

CalDORC remains out of control and the Pinstripe Wall's Code of Silence is not the way to solve its problems. By promoting and/or covering for those involved in misconduct, malfeasance and the Pinstripe Wall's Code of Silence1, CalDORC is now plagued with a defective "gene pool" from which to draw its leadership. Unless the marching orders change, the next Secretary will be a clone of the last.

As history delves further into the Hickman Years, perhaps his ultimate excuse for his failure will be the Nuremberg Defense.

Lorraine Bradley
