Monday, March 06, 2006

The Attack Of The Clones

The recent troubles of CalDORC are many and deep. It is unfortunate that the same cannot be said for the ideological and philosophical gene pool created by CalDORC’s version of the genome project.

On February 23, 2006, CalDORC’s four top clones refused to cooperate with the State Assembly’s fact finding efforts into the “Sex Offender Shuffle” debacle, as they boycotted the hearings, forcing the assembly to issue subpoenas which require the “Gang Of Four” to testify under oath. Almost immediately, Roderick Hickman, Secretary for the California Department of Rehabilitations and Corrections (CalDORC) resigned from his post.

CalDORC immediately announced that Clone #2, in the persona of Jeanne S. Woodford (a member of the Gang Of Four), has replaced Clone #1, Rod Hickman as Acting Secretary. All clones will, now, move up a notch as the deck chairs on the Titanic are re-shuffled.

At this juncture, I would like to place a proposition on the table for the reader’s consideration. For some it will be controversial, however, for others who do not exist in an ideological straight jacket, it may make some sense.

The proposition is this, that Rod Hickman may be more a symptom and symbolic of CalDORC’s problems than the problem himself. After all, any penthouse that is built on a rotten and crumbling foundation will come tumbling down when the foundation fails.

The tilting of "CalDORC Towers" is predictable as the foundation is continually being jacked up and repaired with twigs, chewing gum and bailing wire. This time, however, the leeward listing caused Rod Hickman to tumble out of the window. Clearly the political winds, which pushed the Tower around, did not help.

Unfortunately, the Pinstripe Wall’s Clone Army has come of age and now occupies every pocket of power throughout the length and breadth of California, spewing their vitriol and contempt for the People of the State Of California through their refusal to abide by the laws and rules which have been enacted by the elected legislative representatives, further rotting the foundation.

You know when the Pinstripe Wall’s Clone Army has arrived when employees, facing reports of employee misconduct, are openly and notoriously promoted to their next higher rank rather than being investigated and, if found necessary, disciplined in conformance with departmental policy.

As regular readers of this blog know, in a clear implementation of the “Witness Obstruction Program” (CalDORC’s variant of the Witness Protection Program), some of these employees who have, allegedly, committed crimes in office, have been ushered to other State departments, especially when a prominent member of the Pinstripe Wall is implicated in issuing the illegal order. The next earthquake you experience will be caused by the Clone Army shrugging in unison as the “Do Nothing” gene kicks in.

Dr. Frankenstein, you have been trumped!

Lorraine Bradley

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Spud should have stayed on first watch in Central!!! But wait it seems he still works with his eyes closed.