Wednesday, April 05, 2006

The Pinstripe Wall's Code Of Silence Strikes Again!

Click Here To Read The Article.


Anonymous said...

Your "code of silence" is a phrase made and put upon us by the media. The fact that some body took some time to die after an assualt is not real "news" except to those who feast off the blood of others. Zero for you and your blog.

Lorraine Bradley said...

Actually, the phrase I use is the "Pinstripe Wall's Code of Silence", the "Pinstrip Wall" being utilized to differentiate between the MSM's coined term "Green Wall" or Correctional Officers and the Administration of CalDORC (those who wear Pinstripe Suits, hence the term "Pinstripe Wall").

This has been explained in several of my editorials, so I must believe that your sentiments are probably those of a Correctional Administrator since you chose to leave the "Pinstripe Wall" component out.

Clearly the Daily Report Article, which was written by Mason Stockstill, focused more on the Prison system's failure to report, to the public, that which impacts the public's right to know, more so than the death of an inmate. The lingering death of this inmate, while unfortunate, was, but one, of the incidents reported in the article and was, clearly an example of Mr. Stockstill's thesis rather than the main focus. Your attempt to draw a correlation between the article's exposure of an Administrative "Code Of Silence" and a blood feast is bizarre at best.

These are simply observations, as I do not speak for Mr. Stockstill, however, killing the messenger is an age old practice of Correctional Administrators, furthering my belief that you are a Correctional Administrator with ulterior motives for your comments.

Since the term "Code of Silence" is not homicide specific, but a term utilized to describe a cover-up, as the article you reference indicates, your lack of comprehension skills is showing.

Zero for you and your comprehension skills.