Sunday, October 15, 2006

Leave The Investigations To The Psychics.

With the flurry of cable television shows involving “Psychic Investigators”, it is a wonder that the Grand-Daddies of all Psychic Investigators do not get involved in the fray. In fact, it is a curiosity that the Psychic Investigators for the California Department of Rehabilitation and Corrections (CalDORC) do not have THEIR own television show.

In their, most recent, flurry of pre-cognitive acumen, the Southern Office of the Office of Infernal Affairs conducted a two day review involving allegations of misdemeanor conduct by an employee at the California Institution for Men which, so it was reported, was directed by the Warden. This, after the Report of Employee Misconduct languished for a year somewhere within departmental archives.

Without so much as a cursory inquiry into the allegations, the letters announcing the commencement of the review and the letter rejecting further action by the Office of Infernal Affairs were dated two days apart, and, in a probable cost-cutting effort, were mailed in the same envelope to save postage. Clearly the cost benefits of psychic investigations are evident, with the biggest savings resulting from reduced hours spent on unnecessary interviews and interrogations.

My suggestion is that ALL CalDORC investigational entities be incorporated under a “Forensic Action Response Team” (F.A.R.T.) with the Office of Infernal Affairs heading the “Psychic Investigation Division Dabbling In Law Enforcement” (P.I.D.D.L.E.). In this manner, OIA could P.I.D.D.L.E.-F.A.R.T. their way into unprecedented cost savings for CalDORC.

Way to go Andre and Russ, I think you’ve tapped into something monumental.

Maybe you’ll get a follow-up call from Hollywood on this one.

Lorraine Bradley

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