Friday, December 08, 2006

The Rise And Fall of a CalDORC Bureaucrat.

Recently, in an article written by Andy Furillo of the Sacramento Bee in which forgery and other improprieties were alleged, more corruption of top level officials in the California Department of Rehabilitations and Corrections (CalDORC) was exposed. This time it appears that CalDORC was either unable or unwilling to sidestep the embarrassment and Mr. John Dovey, Director of Adult Institutions, tendered his letter of resignation from his position. In Departmental jargon, this means that he will be relocated to another lofty position in CalDORC and continue on until he is ready to retire.

Mr. Dovey is a symptom of that which plagues Sacramento. He is the poster boy for their collective disease and, while being part of the problem, he does not constitute THE problem and his resignation will not constitute THE cure. His resignation, while being a nice gesture, will not significantly impact the cronyism and politics that pervades CalDORC’s “Pinstripe Wall”.

Like many of his colleagues, Mr. Dovey probably entered the upper bastions of power within CalDORC toting heavy baggage full of dirty laundry and, in true Sacramento fashion, instead of making Mr. Dovey wash his laundry before entering, they merely handed Dovey a can of room deodorizer to mask the smell and showed him the “dirty linen” closet where he could park his baggage.

“There are 8 million stories in The Naked City!”, was the popular slogan for the television series which aired in 1958. Obviously Sacramento is that city, and the John Dovey episode is merely one of the 8 million stories.

Lorraine Bradley


Anonymous said...

Ring Ring, Clue Phone...... EVERYONE knew Dovey had baggage before he was appointed CDW and Warden at CIW. No one cared. To be honest, certain legislators and their aides thought that bleeding Dovey out in Senate Rules would be doing CCPOA's bidding, instead of keeping a lose cannon from getting someone killed. Alas, they got their way.

The Bradley's could have written a letter and sent it to Senate Rules at any point. Instead, they come in after-the-fact and play "Johnny on the spot".

Lorraine Bradley said...

The hyperlinked article regarding Gary Clark's statement has been on the State Secrets Web Site since its inception in 1998. I had written the Senate Rules Committee along with the Senate Confirmation Committee, however, as you said, nobody cares and nobody listens.

I've been doing this for a long time, I think it is you who are the "Johnny Come Lately".

The question for you, Mr./Ms. Anonymous, is, "Did you follow your own advice and write letters or was it your belief, since "EVERYONE knew Dovey had baggage . . ." that there was no need for your input?"

Perhaps the "Anonymous's" should stop sitting by the side of the road, barking at passing cars, and join in with the rest of us that are attempting to guide CalDORC into positive changes.