Saturday, February 10, 2007

Corporate Raiders in the Prison System


In the corporate world of business there is a practice which seeks to undermine successfully managed companies, running them into the ground for the benefit of a parent corporation. This has tax benefits for the parent corporation as the loss of the target company will be written off of their taxes. These "Corporate Raids" are accomplished by management teams that are sent in specifically for this purpose and are known as "Corporate Raiders".

Have the Corporate Raiders arrived at the California Institution for Men?

Dismantling established security procedures and failing to correct known physical plant defects, which have contributed to serious assaults on Correctional Officers, demonstrate a management team that is lying down on the job. Now, Sacramento proposes placing even more responsibility on those who have shown a remarkable lack of this quality and are not worthy of any more.

A new mental health facility is proposed to be situated at the California Institution for Men, increasing the population by a reported 900 mentally ill inmates. Wouldn't it make more sense for the management team at the California Institution for Men to get their security act together before they are saddled with any more responsibility? It would if this management team’s primary purpose were to insure that CIM continued in its mission to confine inmates while protecting the staff and the surrounding community.

It is as if this management team was sent to CIM to make this prison a political liability, through all of the adverse media that it has generated. Adversity which they court through inaction and, seemingly, the promulgation of deliberately flawed security procedures of which input from the onboard security experts, i.e. the Correctional Officers, is ignored.*

Whatever the true agenda and ultimate goal of this management team, one thing is assured, unless they change direction, the California Institution for Men will fall into the political abyss created by these Corporate Raiders. Then all can speculate whether or not they were successful in their true mission.

Lorraine Bradley

*I discovered the website and article cited below on March 12, 2007 and it seems to validate the theory of the "Corporate Raiders" in the prison system.

"Los Angeles, CA.

In an eight minute Full Disclosure Network™ video news blog, President Steve Ipsen of the Association of Deputy District Attorneys accuses California politicians of deliberately sabotaging the California Prison system thus setting the stage for a massive prison release program now underway."

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