Wednesday, October 06, 2004

Letter to Thelton Henderson, Federal District Court.

Date:          Monday, August 9, 2004

To:              The Honorable Thelton E. Henderson
                     Senior United States District Judge
                    United States District Court
                    Northern District of California
                    San Francisco, California 94102

From:        Lorraine Bradley
                    P.O. Box 543
                    Newport, VT 05855

Dear Judge Henderson,

I have recently read that there is disagreement by the State of California as to whether or not the California Department of Corrections requires placement under Federal Receivership in order to function properly, within the laws of the State of California and the United States of America.

I have authored a book about my experiences with the California Department of Corrections which is freely available, on-line, at my State Secrets website and I am now a para-legal, assisting Departmental employees against a systemically corrupt system, Pro Bono, who have been victimized by the wrongdoing of Departmental Supervisors, Managers and Executive Officers.

I have read the letter of July 20, 2004 written to you by Peter Siggins, Legal Affairs Secretary for Governor Schwarzenegger, posted on Governor Schwarzenegger's web site, which enumerates an impressive list of accomplishments directed toward the reformation of the Youth Adult Corrections Agency. However, I find it curious that the demand for my services has increased, not decreased, as it should, if these actions were effective. This leads me to believe that the prevailing opinion of Departmental managers and administrators is that these reforms are only temporary, purely cosmetic and not to be taken seriously.

One of the biggest benefits of a Federal take-over of the California Department of Corrections is that the source of the problems, the "Head Of The Snake" if you will, would be micromanaged by a Federal Receiver who would, hopefully, be insulated from the State politics of protecting incompetent Correctional Executive Officers and Administrators, of which there are many.

People still speak of Corcoran State Prison and the debacle that occurred there. However, it was a Correctional Administrator in Sacramento, not line staff at Corcoran, which fashioned the "Integrated Yard Policy" which mandated that rival gang members would exercise together in Security Housing Units. There are many other episodes that, when put together, demonstrate that this policy is representative of the "group-think" of Central Office for the Department of Corrections in Sacramento that remains to this day.

It is truly unfortunate that the Administrative/Executive officers of the California Department of Corrections have mismanaged the Department to the point where it must be considered for placement under Federal Receivership. However, for line employees, it may be a blessing in disguise, making the working environment safer. Perhaps California's State Prisons will no longer be a playground for perverse supervisors who are rewarded through promotion instead of disciplined for their wrongdoing.

Invariably, Departmental and Agency reformers enter their office with aplomb, but leave in disgrace, having, themselves, been the collateral damage of the numerous political obligations which have been collected upon through top level appointments, quite often overlooking ability in the process. Mr. Hickman is only the most recent link in this chain.

While I wish him well, his foundation is already starting to crumble as top level Executives and Managers, laden with controversial pasts within the Department, are installed in high level offices within Departmental Headquarters, while Wardens at the prisons openly and blatantly ignore his policies regarding whistle-blower retaliation and the "Code Of Silence".

Perhaps, under Federal Receivership, employees will no longer have to make the choice, as I did, of "Leave and live or stay and die.", a choice which no one should ever have to make. Perhaps, under Federal Receivership, whistle-blower retaliation, as well as the "Code Of Silence", still widely practiced by the Youth Adult Corrections Agency towards its employee victims, will finally end.

These are certainly issues to ponder prior to allowing the foxes to continue their reign of terror over the hen house.

Lorraine Bradley

Arnold Schwarzenegger, Governor
Peter Siggins, Legal Affairs Secretary
John Hagar, Special Master
Don Specter, Prison Law Office
Mike Jorgenson, Deputy Attorney General, San Francisco
The Honorable Jackie Speier, California State Senate
The Honorable Gloria Romero, California State Senate
Roderick Q. Hickman, Secretary, YACA

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