Wednesday, October 06, 2004

Open Letter On Prison Reform

Open Letter to Roderick Q. Hickman, Secretary
Youth Adult Corrections Agency

Dear Mr. Hickman,

I have enclosed an article published in today's Los Angeles Times.

Curiously, you make the statement, "We are committed to creating a disciplinary system that treats people fairly but also holds them accountable", a statement which has the distinctive ring of statements made by your predecessor Robert Presley, an individual who did absolutely nothing toward this end, during his years in the office of Secretary.

As you continue to practice the "Code of Silence", Sacramento style, by refusing to address past victims of the blatant criminality within your ranks, you might take stock in the insincerity of that which you preach. By refusing to address mistakes of the past in a meaningful way, your promises of a bright and just tomorrow ring hollow.

Even though you have claimed that the "New Law" is spelled out and clear, its interpretation by corrupt officials will continue to plague the Agency until you address the misconduct and corruption within your managerial and administrative ranks. Misconduct and corruption around which politics creates a protective and, oftentimes, impenetrable shell.

Your theories sound good, it will be interesting to see how they work in practice.

Please forgive me if I don't hold my breath.

Lorraine Bradley, Author
State Secrets, The Website.
State Secrets, The Book.

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