Tuesday, February 22, 2005

Putting The Cart Before The Horse.

In January, the "New And Improved" Youth And Adult Corrections Agency published, on the web, an inaugural edition of the YACA News1.

With all of the style and grace of Charles Durning, the dancing Governor of Texas in the movie "The Best Little Whorehouse In Texas", YACA danced around the problems they now face in a transparent attempt to improve the cosmetics while masking the substance of a failed tax-devouring agency.

With such statements as , "Most of the system's ills can be traced to the structure of the Youth and Adult Corrections Agency." and "Key managers will be held accountable for performance.", Mr. Hickman's double-talking propaganda machine tells us that he will reform the "system" and then, at some point down the road - if time permits, he will assess the culpability for failure of "key managers". I do have my doubts that the time will ever arrive.

The failure of this strategy is predictable. Ultimately, it is the agency's plan to thwart accountability for "key managers" by blaming "the system" that will insure continuing scandal and failure. This is much like blaming the gun for the homicide or the automobile for the vehicular manslaughter. Clearly this plan was developed by Agency lawyers who think they are still practicing trial law.

A direct analogy can be drawn between the systems of YACA and the systems of an aircraft, another structure comprised of a multitude of component parts.

When an airplane crashes and it is determined that the cause is a defective component, the systems within the aircraft are not redesigned around the defective part. It is the part which is replaced and/or redesigned within all similar aircrafts. YACA seeks to ignore its defective parts and redesign the agency around that which is flawed, a castle of granite built on a foundation of sand.

Mr. Hickman's plan seems to be to throw out the baby and keep the dirty bath water.

No Mr. Hickman, fixing the system will have no effect until you purge the agency of its defective component parts - "key manager" parts. This will be a more daunting task than replacing a defective jack screw in the tail elevator of an Air Bus, because aircraft parts have no political influence and have no idea which closet holds the skeletons, but, like the aircraft analogy, it must be accomplished before you will realize success.

To do less is putting the cart before the horse.


Lorraine Bradley, Author
State Secrets, The Website.
State Secrets, The Book.


Anonymous said...

I'm thinking that CDC cart is going to remain before the horse. Don't see a fix coming any time soon...

Lorraine Bradley said...

In fact, you are completely right.

Just prior to a forced "Declaration of Failure" by Hickman, another snake oil salesman will roll into town with a wagon full of miracle cures.

YACA has a long history of "Shyster Based Corrections" and the result of failure is predictable, while the result of success is still an unknown because it has never been accomplished.