Sunday, February 06, 2005

Russian Roulette, YACA Style!

As they both sat across from each other, only the card table and a stack of money between them, the young, dark haired, man picked up the .357 revolver, swung open the cylinder while cradeling it with his left hand and inserted one single bullet into one of the six empty chambers it contained.

With eyes locked, the two contestants stared at each other while the dark haired man spun the cylinder and slapped it shut into the frame. He slowly placed the muzzle against his temple, as if to savor the last fleeting moments of his life, and, as the sweat beaded and ran down his face, he inched the trigger backward against his grip. The sudden "click" caused the other man to flinch, now it was his turn.

To read about Russian Roulette, YACA style, CLICK HERE!

To play on-line Russian Roulette, CLICK HERE!

Lorraine Bradley, Author
State Secrets, The Website.
State Secrets, The Book.


Anonymous said...

Thank you so much for your blog. There are many of us at CIM that feel that Correctional Officers have fallen between the cracks.

We are caught between an administration that is trying to save money at our expense, and a union that is letting them do it.

Please keep up the good work and being our voice.

Anonymous said...

Is there any way YOU could take over the Chino Chapter of CCPOA?

All we get at CIM is a bunch of meaningless words in Marty Aroian's "Guard Space" which do nothing except blow his own horn and beat his own drum.

No representation there.