Friday, November 04, 2005


Dear Mr. Poulos,

1. Martha Stewart
2. Irve Lewis "Scooter" Libby Jr.
3. Edward Alameda
4. M.E. Poulos

You should have embraced your legal obligation to refer CIM’s Health and Safety Officer’s Category 2 investigation to the Office of Internal Affairs (OIA) to avoid the appearance of Obstruction of Justice through her untimely transfer to CalPERS. Even though your name would have, probably, come up again as the Master Of Ceremonies of the, alleged, misdemeanor Workers Compensation harassment1, your career would not have been impacted to any appreciable degree. Instead, however, you chose to transfer the H&S Officer outside of the jurisdiction of CalDORC, rendering your failed obligation to, properly, refer this case for investigation, moot. VERY slick move Mr. Poulos!

Let's examine the other alternative, an alternative such as following the law and keeping the H&S Officer at CIM to face the music for her actions, actions which she alleges were directed by you. This alternative would have protected you from the appearance of impropriety and, in retrospect, may have been the better course of action.

If they ever did get around to investigating her misconduct (doubtful but possible), after receiving the referral and placing it in their "to do - someday" box, OIA would have consulted the most recent edition of the "CalDORC Investigator's Manual". There they will find the most common Departmental techniques for conducting “Politically Connected Personnel” investigations.

The first is the "CalDORC Two-Step", a method whereby the conclusion of the investigation is pre-determined, based upon politics and cronyism (Step 1), followed by a perfunctory investigation designed to validate this conclusion (Step 2).

The second is the "Psychic Investigation" which is concluded through the psychic acumen of the investigator.

The third and most cost effective is just to ignore it, which seems to be CalDORC's favorite method.

If you needed further guidance, CalDORC might bring the former CIM ISU Chief Investigator Captain Dave Morris2 out of retirement to assist OIA. His skills are legendary in CalDORC's Southern Region and his ability to put a spin-and-a-fix on the most embarrassing of political situations might have been a valid consideration as you sink further into this quagmire. There are still some leftovers of the Dave Morris era, awaiting retirement and working on the MSF yard, who may be able to contact him for you.

In other words Warden Poulos, you needn't have worried. CalDORC investigators, at all levels, have the flattest hands in the industry - they are always sitting on them. By the time they get around to considering cases for investigation, the yellowing, brittle paper crumbles in their hands, case closed. Once a Warden has been assigned to a prison, only a catastrophe can remove him/her.

Fear not, Warden Poulos, you are protected. Protected, that is, until someone dies.

More to come.

Lorraine Bradley

1Labor Code §132 a.



Mike Poulos said...

You were so full of crap in so many ways. Your reporting of items were so far off the mark. Just thought I would tell you that, now that no one had died under my leadership and your reporting really didn't have any creditability as verified by all the comments you did not received.
Now you can go back to your worthless life and I can cross this off my "bucket list" of what I wanted to say, but didn't, so many years ago.

Mike Poulos
Warden (retired)
California Institution for Men

Lorraine Bradley said...

“Me thinks he doth protest too much.”

--- William Shakespeare---