Monday, November 07, 2005

Shame On You CalDORC!

Open Letter To:

Mark Gantt
Assistant Secretary
Office of Internal Affairs

Deborah Zeh
Assistant Secretary
Office of Civil Rights

In your September 28, 2005 Memorandum, entitled "CODE OF CONDUCT AND THE DUTY TO REPORT", you have targeted the new, naive correctional staff and set them up for disappointment, frustration and, ultimately, an untimely termination. What kind of a cruel joke are you playing on these people?

You regurgitate a "CDCR CODE OF CONDUCT" together with a duty to report violations of that conduct and the mythical protection that CalDORC is committed to providing. However you fail to inform them that any whistleblower action taken by them or protections afforded to them by CalDORC is predicated, solely, on Power, Privilege and Politics.

Oftentimes, the power differential between the reporting employee and the employee who is being reported, renders your fairy tale nothing more than dangerous folklore which can cause untold damage to the career of a new employee.

As you two know or should know, the most popular way of dealing with whistleblowers is to place them under investigation for lying about the entire incident, usually without ever investigating the seminal event. Once Departmental investigators have, officially and Departmentally, manufactured the mendacity of the reporting employee, the original report of employee misconduct may safely be discarded as the product of an overactive imagination or blatant dishonesty. This has been the Departmental way for decades and you knew or should have known this when you published the September 28, 2005 Memorandum. Is it CalDORC's intention to encourage whistleblower reporting for the purpose of placing them on a "Whistleblower's Watchlist" for CalDORC action against them at a later date?

For the new and uninitiated employee, your lofty and impressive titles may well represent you as experienced and savvy Correctional Managers dispensing sage advice. However, having stated CalDORC policy, you should have footnoted a warning/disclaimer that, "Following this policy may be hazardous to one's career."

The more things change, the more they remain the same.

More to come.

Lorraine Bradley

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Very educational Blog. It exposes the true nature of the CDC.

If Departmental investigators can't cover-up a situation with a factual investigation, they assassinate the character of the accuser.

This seems to work in the political arena as well.

It throws a dark cloud on Hickman's sound-bite of "Evidence Based Corrections", especially where the evidence is manufactured.