Friday, December 02, 2005

Rotting Fish!

In reading the newspaper today, I can only say that the long assailed California government employee's unions are the only buffer between the State of California and total melt down.

It is being reported by the Los Angeles Times that Governor Schwarzenegger is being ordered by U.S. District Judge Thelton Henderson to appoint a chief of health care services to run the troubled prison health care system that, reportedly, "kills an average of one California inmate each week."1

The prison health care system was placed under Federal receivership earlier this year and continues to be dysfunctional in the wake of the mounting frustration of Judge Henderson, who had, at one time, considered placing the entire Department of Corrections under receivership but chose to limit the receivership to the health care system instead.

Even though the California Correctional Peace Officers Association has been assailed by Governor Schwarzenegger, Judge Henderson and the mainstream news media as "running the California Department of Corrections", in retrospect, this was not a bad thing, considering the total inadequacy of the Correctional Managers and Administrators who have been promoted to do this job.

Since the failings of the California Department of Rehabilitation and Corrections has, seemingly, increased under the Schwarzenegger administration, the involvement of the Correctional Officer's Union in CalDORC management seemed to have a positive impact until Schwarzenegger's new prison chief, Roderick Hickman, slammed the door in CCPOA's face.

Now, the most recent scandal to hit the Capitol is Governor Schwarzenegger's production and utilization of, taxpayer-supported, "Fake News Videos" in support of his, recently defeated, November propositions.

In his ruling, "Superior Court Judge Lloyd G. Connelly of Sacramento ordered that Schwarzenegger refrain from producing and distributing the videos, ruling that state law bars officials from using tax money to pay for one-sided releases, particularly when they advocate pending proposals to alter state laws and regulations."2

Clearly, with the moral compass gone and the rudder broken, the "Good Ship California" continues to drift into troubled waters.

In Russia there is a saying that, "A fish rots from the head", perhaps this explains the "Sacramento Stench".

Lorraine Bradley

1 L.A. Times, December 2, 2005: "Gov. Is Ordered to Name Prison Healthcare Czar" By Jenifer Warren, Times Staff Writer.

2 L.A. Times, December 2, 2005: "Gov.'s Fake News Videos Ruled Illegal" By Dan Morain, Times Staff Writer.

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