Tuesday, December 06, 2005


Employees of the California Department of Rehabilitation and Corrections (CalDorc) are, continuously, being spoon-fed the expectation that employee misconduct must be fully and expeditiously reported. Since it is written Departmental policy, it seems reasonable that this policy should be followed. However, there seems to be no expectation that any of this reporting will amount to anything even though there are attendent written Departmental policies directing Correctional Managers and Administrators as to the proper disposition of these reports.

In the absence of any expectation of properly processing these reports, the reporting itself creates nothing more than "busy work" for correctional employees which waste taxpayer dollars due to the, ultimate, failure of departmental officials to act to correct the misconduct being reported.

Indeed employee misconduct is rampant within CalDORC, however, it's not the type that is being resolved or even recognized through established departmental processes. It is as old as CalDORC itself and as elusive as Big Foot. It is misconduct perpetrated by correctional managers and administrators and it isn't scrutinized until a public stench is created, through tragic circumstances, in which CalDORC is forced to act.

As I explained to you, the reader, on Sunday, October 24, 2004 in my blog article entitled "The Folly of Reformation in YACA" (this was before the agency name had been changed to CalDORC), the first problem which must be overcome before misconduct reporting becomes anything more than busy work, is the prejudice against upward reporting. The foxes continue to watch the hen house as they sit in judgement of which reports will be acted on and which reports will find their way to the round file, especially reports with their names or the names of their cronies on them.

In a supreme act of hypocrisy and "Do what I say and not what I do.", CalDORC has tinkered together a class in "ethics" as part of a Correctional Officer's annual training. Clearly the course content for this eight hour class was researched outside of CalDORC since the concept of ethics is foreign to the upper bastions of this agency. This class would seem to constitute the "comedy relief" portion of the training.

"We have seen the enemy and it is us."

Lorraine Bradley

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