Friday, February 24, 2006

Pinstripe Anarchy

The Motto of the "Pinstripe Wall"
"I'm not talking,
Well that's all I got to say."

"The Yardbirds" from the '60s

On Thursday, February 23, 2006, the following members of the California Department Of Rehabilitation And Corrections' (CalDORC's) "Code Of Silence" club known as the "Pinstripe Wall" refused to cooperate with an Assembly fact finding committee, co-chaired by Assemblyman Rudy Bermudez, D-Norwalk, by boycotting requests to appear and provide information regarding the "Sex Offender Shuffle" in which high-risk sex offenders on parole are being shuffled from motel to motel every four days.:

CLICK HERE for the story.

*Roderick Hickman, secretary for the state Department of Rehabilitation and Correction
*J.P. Tremblay, assistant secretary for the state Department of Rehabilitation and Correction
*Jeanne Woodford, undersecretary for the state Department of Rehabilitation and Correction
*James L'Etoile, director for the Division of Adult Parole Operations

In a showdown with CalDORC, the Assembly committee, in a 5-0 vote, will require their testimony, under oath, through the issuance of subpoenas.

Hopefully this will bring the "nose-thumbing" of a contemptuous and out-of-control CalDORC to an end, at least for this hearing.

The "trickle-down" theory of ethics in CalDORC or leadership by example.

Observably, the contempt for the public's elected representatives and, by extension, the public at large, is not confined to the corporate limits of the municipality of Sacramento, in fact, it is pervasive throughout California state government as feudal state bureaucrats run their serfdoms quite independently of laws and operating policies which have been established by the State Legislature.

What arrogance!

Quite literally these bureaucrats, at all levels, are telling the public that their representatives can pass laws and operating policies to regulate their activities, but they have no intention of complying with them. Schwarzenneger's agencies have turned the law in California into nothing more than a Dog-And-Pony show, leaving the taxpayer with "Taxation Without Representation" at the hands of the "Pinstripe Anarchists".

Are you OK with that?

Maybe some tea would help?

Lorraine Bradley

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