Sunday, February 19, 2006

These are a few of my scariest things.

Speedy Probe vowed
Ramos: DA's office won't drag feet in shooting investigation
By Rod Leveque, Staff Writer

SAN BERNARDINO - District Attorney Michael Ramos vowed Friday to make a prompt decision on whether he will file criminal charges against a sheriff's deputy caught on videotape shooting an unarmed man.

Two of the scariest correlations to be drawn in San Bernardino County are:

1. The San Bernardino County District Attorney's Office and investigations


2. The San Bernardino County District Attorney's Office and prosecutions

In the past, the The San Bernardino County District Attorney's Office has based their investigations on the political realities of the times and, if there were any investigation at all, commenced their investigations with fundamental political assumptions which lead to predictable results.

Depending on which side of the issue an individual or group was positioned, this could be either a good or bad thing as it would expedite their agenda. However, lacking a credible investigation, there would be no justice for the folks on the wrong side of the District Attorney's politics. This is a sad-but-true reality of the politics of justice in San Bernardino County.

For the sake of argument, if the San Bernardino County District Attorney's Office were capable of a credible investigation, then there is the other side of this equation which they must overcome, the prosecution.

Prosecutions by the District Attorney's office seem to resemble episodes of Abbott and Costello rather than Law and Order and, like it or not Mr. Ramos, if the shoe fits you must wear it.

Fortunately, for Elio Carrion and his family, if the DA's office, once again, drops the ball in this case as in past cases, there is recourse in the civil courts, just like O.J..

Lorraine Bradley

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