Wednesday, February 15, 2006

The torpedo's role in CalDORC

n. pl. tor·pe·does

1. A cigar-shaped, self-propelled underwater projectile launched from a submarine, aircraft, or ship and designed to detonate on contact with or in the vicinity of a target.
2. Any of various submarine explosive devices, especially a submarine mine.
3. A small explosive placed on a railroad track that is fired by the weight of the train to sound a warning of an approaching hazard.
4. An explosive fired in an oil or gas well to begin or increase the flow.
5. A small firework consisting of gravel wrapped in tissue paper with a percussion cap that explodes when thrown against a hard surface.
6. See electric ray.
7. Slang. A professional assassin or thug.

I have just read an interesting article in the Inland Valley Daily Bulletin, located HERE, in which the "Blue Wall" is discussed. This is the, alleged, "Code Of Silence" which exists in the law enforcement community and portions of this article are tremendously insightful when applied, with modifications, to the California Department Of Rehabilitation And Corrections (CalDORC).

When used within CalDORC, the terms "Green Wall" and "Code Of Silence", conjures up images of Correctional Peace Officer line staff (who wear the "Green" referred to in "Green Wall") covering up wrongdoing perpetrated by themselves and their partners. However, if the terms "Green Wall", "Code Of Silence" and "Corruption" are to be synonymous with departmental decadence, I would recommend the term "Pinstripe Wall" (the suit and tie crowd) be added to the growing list of clichés.

In the Daily Bulletin article, Bruce Burg, criminal justice professor from Cal State Long Beach, stated that the blue wall is perpetuated because those who participate in it are promoted, and those who don't follow the code are ostracized and harassed. Nowhere is this more true than within CalDORC.

The operative question is, "Promoted by whom and why?"

The torpedo's role in enforcing the Code Of Silence or "Who are you gonna believe, me or your lyin' eyes?"

From crooked Departmental investigators to employees committing serial misconduct, the Pinstripe Wall insures that those who have acted in their behalf will be rewarded through promotion rather than disciplined for their violation of State laws, rules and regulations. As long as the misconduct is directed toward the ethical employees who insists on the rule of law and not the rule of men, these "torpedoes" will be protected and rewarded through promotion as they continue their rise to increasingly influential positions of power within CalDORC. Having, long since, cast aside their uniform and their belief in ethics, they will insure that corruption will continue within the departmental ranks.

Today's torpedo will become tomorrow's charter member of the Pinstripe Wall, launching other torpedoes toward ethical targets within CalDORC.

Mike, are you listening?

Lorraine Bradley

*The American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fourth Edition
Copyright © 2000 by Houghton Mifflin Company.
Published by Houghton Mifflin Company. All rights reserved.

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