Friday, November 12, 2004

More $$$$ for California's Prisons.

Friday, November 12, 2004

To:         Senator Gloria Romero
                Senator Jackie Speier

From:   Lorraine Bradley, Author
                State Secrets

RE:         More $$$$ for Prisons.

I recently read an article by Mark Gladstone published in the Sacramento Bee in which Governor Schwarzenegger is seeking more tax money for California's prison system. I have one question which you may want to consider.

Is this extra money part of - or an addition to - the windfall provided to the prisons under §16.06 of the Bargaining Unit 6 Memorandum of Understanding (also known as the "Institutional Vacancy Plan")?

This is the section of the labor contract between CCPOA and the State of California that allows the institutions to keep certain, agreed upon, budgeted Correctional Officer positions perpetually vacant, thereby allowing the individual prisons to spend this money on their "special projects". Money which has been budgeted for salaries but is being diverted for other purposes.

You may want to ask the Governor.

Lorraine Bradley, Author
State Secrets, The Website.
State Secrets, The Book.


As Needed

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