Saturday, November 20, 2004

News From Stepford, California (11-20-2004)

Rod Hickman and Matthew Cate become the most recent inductees into the DNC

Senator Jackie Speier - A WHISTLEBLOWER?


The Do-Nothing Crew (DNC) of Stepford, California has recently inducted Rod Hickman (Secretary YACA) and Matthew Cate (Complicitor General) into their growing club.

Joining the ranks of such DNC superstars as Robert Presley and Steve White, Rod and Mat have hit the ground running with great rhetoric, but little action, and blowing off requests to reinvestigate botched Central Office investigations.

With all of the recently garnered powers of the offices of the Secretary of YACA and the Office of the Complicitor General, the DNC has proposed that their motto be taken from the Athiest's Epitaph:

"All dressed up and nowhere to go."


Jackie Speier breaks ranks to become the Department of Corrections' most recent Whistleblower.

In an article written by Mark Gladstone, Mercury News Sacramento Bureau, and published in the Mercury News on Thursday, Nov. 18, 2004, is the following excerpt from Senator Jackie Speier:

``The question I keep asking is why does it take a lawsuit being filed for the governor and his administration to do the right thing?'' asked Sen. Jackie Speier, D-San Mateo, who has presided over oversight hearings into the state's $6 billion-a-year prison system.

``The only reforms that have taken place,'' she asserted, ``are a result of lawsuits or special-master reports or district court judges demanding that certain steps take place.''

A little truth goes a long way. In this case it appears as if not everybody in the community of Stepford, California is totally pleased with the performance of the most recent members of the DNC.

Watch out for the pods Jackie.


Lorraine Bradley, Author
State Secrets, The Website.
State Secrets, The Book.

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