Friday, November 19, 2004

Open Letter to Jenifer Warren, Reporter, L.A. Times

To:        Jenifer Warren, Reporter
               Los Angeles Times

Dear Ms. Warren,

Before you are completely taken over by the pod that was left on your doorstep by the Invasion of the California State Body Snatchers, you should LISTEN TO, AND HEAR, that which is being said on the blogs that you, so roundly, criticize in your reporting.

From a journalistic standpoint, it is troubling when one party to the story is continually portrayed as "bashers" while the other party merely "reforms". Poor Rod, Never-Did-A-Thing-Wrong, Hickman. Poor Gloria, poor Jackie - all victims of the big, bad bloggers! Bloggers which you have ubiquitously deemed to be unmeritorious in their opinions.

I guess you haven't noticed (or perhaps choose to ignore) that the "Code of Silence" is still widely practiced in Sacramento by top administrators.

Perhaps the alternate viewpoints expressed in these blogs actually contain merit and are not merely biased reporting expressed by Stepford Reporters.

Lorraine Bradley, Author
State Secrets, The Website.
State Secrets, The Book.

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