Monday, November 29, 2004

Orwellian Doublespeak!

It is more "Business As Usual" as the California Department of Corrections, through taxpayer's dollars, buys their way out of accountability.

Through all of the rhetoric of Rod Hickman, nothing has changed in the CDC as, year-after-year, accountability for the Correctional Managers and Administrators remains non-existent. No other scandal of the Department of Corrections exemplifies this as well as the Richard Krupp affair1.

As if taken from an episode of "The Sopranos", Richard Krupp, in suggesting ways for the California Department of Corrections to save money, incurred the wrath of the CDC and was retaliated against, along with his wife, who was uninvolved with the suggestions.

In a recent settlement between the Department of Corrections and the Krupps, one of the reported stipulations2 is that there would be NO accountably for the perpetrators of the retaliation, clearly a departure from the value statement found on the Youth/Adult Corrections Agency website3:


We commit ourselves to principled leadership – a set of core values that guide our behavior:

  • INTEGRITY - We conduct ourselves professionally, achieving the highest ethical standards.
  • ACCOUNTABILITY - We take responsibility for our actions and the consequences.
  • JUSTICE - Everyone receives equitable process and fair outcomes.
  • COLLABORATION - Everyone supports mutual understanding of ideas, open exploration of our differences, and works constructively and cooperatively with our stakeholders.
  • EMPLOYEE WELL-BEING - We foster an environment that supports professional development and personal health"

  • Either this deal was made without the knowledge of Hickman or with his blessing.

    If made without his blessing or knowledge, then Rod is guilty of ignorance and his agency is out of control.

    If made with his knowledge, then Rod is a liar.

    Either way, it is time for Rod Hickman to resign as Agency Secretary.




    My personal thanks to Stephen James - on the web at:


    Lorraine Bradley, Author
    State Secrets, The Website.
    State Secrets, The Book.

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